
Crane lift plans
Crane lift plans

This is in addition to the previous ability to select wood mats or DICA’s SafetyTech or FiberMax engineered outrigger pads or crane pads. Ground bearing calculations can now be made for steel mats with an option for layering steel mats over timber for better distribution of outrigger loads. New features expand the options for users as they plan which type of crane pads or mats are best for the ground conditions.


“This flexibility is important because 3D Lift Plan is a cloud-based program, eliminating the need to download and update software to individual computers,” she said. “We have utilised WebGL technologies to enable the display of 3D content in Chrome, Firefox, and Microsoft Edge web browsers to improve the interface for customers no matter their preferred browser,” Tawnia Weiss, President of A1A Software, said.

crane lift plans

Designed as a self-guided wizard, the tool asks the user to input specific data that automatically generates accurate jobsites and lift plans.Ī1A Software, developers of the tool, continues to improve the interface and features of 3D Lift Plan, making it easier for customers to use the crane lift planning program as a sales tool, for bid proposals, crane selection and setup, lift planning and documentation. Basic level users, people whose job may be more sales oriented, for example, appreciate the Quick Lift Setup feature. 3D Lift Plan can be used by people with all levels of crane and rigging knowledge and technology savviness. Some lift planning tools provide incredible detail and accuracy but require extensive training to be able to use. Now, it offers other business management tools specific to the needs of crane and construction equipment owners. You’ll discover why The Crane Guys is the leader when it comes to developing reliable crane lift plans.A1A Software got its start by developing the well-known lift planning program 3D Lift Plan. Would you like to learn more? Please contact us for additional information and answers to all your questions. Thanks to this detailed preview, The Crane Guys maximizes the safety and efficiency of our many services such as hydraulic crane rental and boom truck rental. This advanced snapshot offers a detailed look at all relevant variables, including cranes, work zone layout, topographical features, climatic conditions, and possible hazards. Using the industry’s most advanced software, our specialists create a three-dimensional rendering of a project site. The essential element of this process is 3D graphic representation of the proposed lift operation. Processes and procedures vary according to the situation, but virtually all benefit from solid 3D lift planning. Outside the realm of critical lifts is the more basic lift planning offered by The Crane Guys. An engineer must approve the study prior to lift implementation. It analyzes variables such as crane loads, rigging loads, and wind velocity. Optimum solutions are determined by an in-depth rigging study, which is a set of drawings of crane positions. Critical lifts also require proper rigging. The Crane Guys is proud to say our team of planners and operators satisfy these requirements by a wide margin.īut cranes are only part of the story. This type of operation demands supreme expertise capable of assessing lift parameters while ensuring compliance with regional permitting requirements and regulations. As the term suggests, load shifting involves the moving of cargo from one crane to another. This type of multi-crane lift includes tandem hydraulic crane lifts and tandem boom truck lifts.Īnother possible indicator of a critical lift is the need for ‘load shifting’.

crane lift plans

The second point above belongs to a category known as tandem lift.

  • Load nears crane’s maximum capacity (70% to 90%).
  • While the definitions of critical lift vary, The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) lists the following as some of the characteristics. Not surprisingly, these crane rental projects demand an air-tight critical lift plan to maximize operational efficiency and worksite safety. Plans are as varied as the projects they serve.

    crane lift plans

    These are the common denominators of virtually all plans.

    crane lift plans

    What are the variables covered by a crane lift plan? Among the important factors to consider are load weight, crane configuration, and conditions of the work zone.

    Crane lift plans